Stephen H. Trude
Cohocton Town BoardI have decided to seek election to the Cohocton Town Board and am asking for your support. In the last year and a half my eyes were opened to the partiality our town government pays to only a special few people in Cohocton. It didn't matter to me until our neighbors and I became victims of those unfair governing practices. I've lived in Cohocton for 25 years. I bought a piece of land from Bob Duesenbery, drew plans, and built my own house. Having a home in the woods and being able to hunt my own property has been a life long dream. After graduating high school with an electrical vocation in 1971, I joined the army at the height of the Viet Nam war in 1972. And in 1975, at the end of my military stint I went to college in Fayetteville, North Carolina studying retail and marketing. I've owned my own business as an electrical contractor for the past 26 years. My wife, Hollis and I produce two "Woodstead" sauces under the company name K & S Foods. In my professional career I have always had the ability to start a project, no matter how large or small, and finish the task. In the last year and a half, I have through reading, research, talking and listening to lots of people in and around our government that the present elected officials have made decisions that benefit some but have hurt most of the residents in the Town of Cohocton. Atlanta, Cohocton and North Cohocton. No more "behind closed doors" deals we need open and honest government!