Contract With Cohocton:
FIRST, require all laws of Cohocton and NYS will be applied and observed by all town boards and every appointed official or employee;
SECOND, conduct all town meetings in accordance with open committee law and allow public comments at all meetings, limit "Special Meetings" and executive sessions;
THIRD, allow local citizens to place ballot initiatives on local election ballots and conduct referendums on major town decisions;
FOURTH, limit all elected officials to a two year term in office and no more than two back to back consecutive terms in the same office;
FIFTH, select a major, independent auditing firm to conduct a comprehensive audit and review of Cohocton finances, business practices and secure integrity of all public documents;
SIXTH, conduct a full independent review of the recent 100% reassessment and correct bias favoritism with equitable consistency;
SEVENTH, professionally update the comprehensive plan and establish a land use plan that protects property values and promotes sound economic growth;
EIGHTH, develop area cooperation for regional economic efforts, grant applications and encourage high paid permanent job creation;
NINTH, secure sufficient liability insurance to cover the malfeasance of previous administrations and competently manage future risks;
TENTH, establish an "open door" policy, monthly newsletter, an up to date web site, and a quarterly town hall meeting for discussing broad range of
are Committed to these Action Items: