Below please find links to our Draft Environmental Impact Statement that was accepted for public review. The Draft EIS will also be available for public review at the following locations:

Municipal Building, 15 South Main Street, Cohocton, NY 14826
(585) 384-5330 ext. 1

Town of Cohocton Court Facility, Town Assessor's Office
19 Main Street, Atlanta, NY 14808

E.J. Cottrell Memorial Library, 30 Main Street, Atlanta, NY 14808
( 585) 534-5030

UPC Wind Cohocton Office, 28 Maple Avenue, Cohocton, NY 14826 (585) 384-9550

A copy of the DEIS may be requested from:
Sandra Riley, Town Clerk, Town of Cohocton
15 South Main Street, Cohocton, NY 14826
( 585) 384-5330 ext. 1

Ms. Riley also is the contact for submitting comments on the DEIS.
A copy of the Planning Board's Notice of Completion of the DEIS and Notice of SEQR public hearing will be posted on this web site once it is available from the Planning Board.

In addition, if you have any questions for the project sponsor, please contact Rick Towner at our Cohocton Office, next to the Post Office.

28 Maple Ave
Cohocton, NY 14826
(585) 384-9550

Thank you
Figure 3 - Proposed Project Layout
Figure 4 - Wind Turbine Construction Photos
Figure 5 - Soils Map
Figure 6 - Surface Waters
Figure 7 - Representative Surface Water Photos
Figure 8 - State Mapped Wetland
Figure 9 - Federal Mapped Wetlands
Figure 10 - Representative Wetland Photos
Figure 11 - Aquifer Map
Figure 12 - Wetland Inventory
Figure 13 - Vegetative Communities
Figure 14 - Representative Vegetation Communities
Figure 20 - Zoning Map

Appendix F - Visual Impact Assessment

Appendix F - VIA Figures
Appendix M - Cohocton Windmill Law

 Posted 4/06, mirror hosted by