Room for Compromise

Subject Pro-wind Middle ground Wind critics
Global warming Will help a lot Could help some Negligible effect
Size of project Bigger=better Could be smaller Won't fit in Town
Size of turbines Bigger=better Could be smaller Industrial=too big
Unsightliness Not a problem Needs attention Serious problem
Noise Not a problem Needs attention Serious problem
Bird/bat kills Not a problem Needs attention Serious problem
Ice throw Not a problem Needs attention Serious problem
Fire hazard Not a problem Needs attention Serious problem
Insurance costs Not a problem Needs attention Serious problem
Property values Not a problem Needs attention Serious problem
Decommissioning Not a problem Needs attention Serious problem
Road setbacks OK at 520' Could be larger At least 1500'
Property setbacks OK at 520' Could be larger At least 1500'
Dwelling setbacks OK at 1500' Could be larger Should be >2500'
PILOT payments OK as they are Could be larger Way too small
Lease payments OK as they are Could be larger Way too small
Timing Do it now! Could wait a while Not here, not now
Referendum No Sensible idea Needed
Moratorium No Sensible idea Needed
Local leaders Doing fine Could do better Need replacement
NYS regulation Too much already Could use help Need guidelines

  wind turbines, wind towers; windfarm information; wind power facts, wind energy faq; wind farm debate; anti-wind, anti-windmill campaign